5 Ways to Manage Your Medications

Older Adults - July 30th, 2019

Reading Time: 2 Minute/s

5 Ways to Manage Your Medications

Older Adults

5 Ways to Manage Your Medications

Posted on July 30th, 2019 - Reading Time: 2 Minute/s

When you take a lot of different medications, keeping them organized and separated correctly can be a daunting task. You are not alone in feeling this way! Your doctor and/or pharmacist is your ally in managing your medication schedule and dosage. To get started, bring your medication list – or even better, your medication bottles – to your next doctor’s appointment. Ask them to walk through the medication schedule and dosage with you. Check out 5 tips below to help yourself keep your medications straight.

  1. Pill Organizer – Get a pill organizer and fill it out yourself or with help from family members or caregiver. Some people might prefer two, 1-week pill organizers rather than a 2-week organizer. They can be bulky or have smaller compartments.
  2. Create a dosing schedule sheet – Write a list of all the medications you are taking and the time of day when you take them. Bring this schedule to every doctor’s appointment.
  3. Use a medication app or timer – If you have a smartphone or tablet, there are many apps that you help assist you in managing your medication, like this one from Mango Health. You can set up your medication schedule in the app and it will send you reminders when it’s time to take your medication.
  4. Check prescription labels consistently – Checking the labels of your prescription often is very important. This way you can double-check the correct dosage, how long until the next refill, and the medication expiration date.
  5. Get a second opinion – If you are concerned about a diagnosis or medication prescription, don’t be afraid to seek out a second opinion.

Not sure where to start to better organize your medications?
First, start thinking about how you are currently managing your medications. What are some ways that you keep track of your prescriptions and remembering how to take them? Would there be anything that you could change to make it easier? How would you make these changes? Don’t forget to reach out to your doctor if you have any questions about your medication. They are there to clarify any questions you may have and help you if you have concerns.


Author: Edie Shreckengast, MS, CSSD, RDN, CD, Health Coach

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