It’s common knowledge that men, including Dads, don’t see the doctor as often as they should.
“Preventive Care” means you get the medical care you need before you have a problem. This can save yourself a lot of pain and work down the road. The earlier a disease is found, the better the chances of beating it, especially cancer and heart disease.
Why men skip regular doctor’s visits
How often should men visit the doctor?
On average, routine physical exams should occur annually. The extent of the exams and types of tests done may vary based on age range. Screenings help detect diseases early.

- In your 20s, doctors check blood pressure, height, weight, screen for testicular cancer, recommend cholesterol checks every five years, and may screen for sexually transmitted diseases.
- In your 30s, your doctor will likely add to the above screenings, especially for hereditary conditions such as coronary heart disease. They may do vision screenings, an electrocardiogram to check for heart disease, and blood tests to screen for diabetes, thyroid disease, liver problems, and anemia.
- In your 40s, your doctor will add prostate cancer screenings to the exams. They will also likely check for diabetes every three years starting at the age of 45.
- In your 50s, the list gets a little longer. Your doctor may start annually checking for Type II diabetes, depression, and lipid disorders. Depending on risk factors, your doctor may recommend screening for skin cancer, oral cancer, lung cancer, and alcohol abuse. Colon cancer screenings start at age 50.
- In your 60s, your doctor may add screenings for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Colorectal screenings will continue, based on previous results. Your doctor may also begin screening you for osteoporosis.
- In your 70s and beyond, your doctor will continue to monitor all above areas for overall wellness. They will continue colorectal screening based upon previous test results, with general screening until age 75.

If you are a Community Health Plan of Washington (CHPW) member and want help finding a doctor or scheduling your annual checkup or routine screening exam, give us a call at 1-800-440-1561 (TTY users dial 711). We’re here 8a.m. to 5p.m., Monday through Friday.
Learn more
- Why 60% of men aren’t going to the doctor
- Preventative Medicine – Why should I care?
- For more on health screenings, read the Health and Wellness A to Z Overview