We all know it’s important to hydrate. Every part of your body needs water to survive. When it’s hot outside, your body uses water faster, so you need to drink more.
But it’s about more than preventing dehydration – water makes your body stronger in many ways.
It gives you energy
Your muscles need water in order to work properly. Drinking water can help you boost and maintain your energy when you work out.
It helps you stay positive
Studies show that people who do not drink enough water are more likely to become confused or frustrated.
It improves your brain function
Dehydration can affect your ability to think clearly. Keeping the balance of liquids is important to performing your best.
It helps you lose weight
Water doesn’t burn calories, but it does take the place of other high-calorie drinks. Additionally, foods that have a lot of water look larger, require more chewing, and help you feel full.
It prevents headaches
Dehydration is a very common cause of headaches. Especially when it’s hot outside, drink water to help keep your head clear.
It helps you digest food
Water helps you process food and get it through your intestines. If you don’t drink enough, you could become constipated.
It helps your kidneys
Your kidneys need water to help cleanse the body. If you don’t drink enough water, you have a higher risk of getting kidney stones.
It helps prevent diseases, including some cancers
Staying hydrated helps the body fight off diseases. Research shows it may help with heart disease, asthma, and some forms of cancer.