Through CHPW’s team of Regional Managers, people who live and work in dedicated Washington counties, CHPW is better positioned to collaborate with community partners, advocate for CHPW members and improve health experiences.
As a Regional Manager, Marci Bloomquist works with local community partners to support the health of CHPW members. We asked Marci a few questions so that our community can get to know her and her work.

I’ve been with CHPW for over five years. My current job title is Senior Regional Manager/Supervisor, and I’m part of the Regional Systems Integration Team. I oversee the North Sound Region which includes Snohomish, Skagit, Whatcom, Island, and San Juan counties. In my role, I act as the liaison with our regional behavioral health providers, community-based organizations, and allied system partners and have a strategic focus on how to collaborate to address unmet needs and remove barriers to wellness in our communities.

What do you enjoy the most about your work at CHPW?
I really enjoy the collaborative work I’m able to do with various colleagues not only within CHPW but with our providers, community stakeholders, and Washington State level representatives to address the unique needs of our communities. CHPW is committed to providing a holistic approach to member care and I’m excited to be a part of those efforts.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, how are you able to support mental health services within your role at CHPW?
I’m fortunate to have a positive relationship with our regional behavioral health providers and our crisis/988 system. This has allowed me to be involved in strategic planning and discussions around access to behavioral health care, barriers/challenges, and how we can improve integration of services so there is no wrong door to receiving mental health interventions whenever it is needed.

What is something you have recently learned or accomplished that you are proud of?
I’m proud of receiving a promotion in December which included adding a supervisory role to my responsibilities. I was able to successfully hire our new Regional Systems Integration (RSI) Coordinator which is a much-needed addition to our growing team.

What is your favorite season in Washington State and why?
My favorite season is summer. I love the longer days and enjoying time outside with my family, friends, and my two Australian Shepherds (Riley & Rowan).